Association Specialists

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John Berkowitz

Publications Director; Graphic Designer

John Berkowitz has been with California Advocates since 2001, where he has enjoyed laying out magazines and brochures for our various clients, as well as designing logos and creating themes for their many conferences and special events. He finds it rewarding to frame industry news and slogans in ways that excite and delight our membership and help them stay informed and up-to-date about the state of their industry.

John has been a city-hopper most of his life, having lived in Cleveland, Ohio, Charlotte, North Carolina, various rural spots in New Hampshire, and within California: Garden Grove, Tustin, San Luis Obispo, Bakersfield, Grass Valley, and of course Sacramento. Most recently, he and his family followed the bald eagle and moved to beautiful Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, where they are currently enjoying their happily-ever-after. John now has the pleasure of working from home and occasionally shoveling snow and chopping firewood.

John earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in English from California State University, Bakersfield and he uses those skills in his quiet moments to work on his novel. In fact, at the time of this writing he is working on his third novel, this one a children’s book set in sixteenth century Ireland.

John has been married to his lovely wife, Suzanne, for over 20 years. Together they have three amazing children, David, Melissa, and Chris.

Passions: Family. Imagination. Excellence.